The course offers an overview of nineteenth-century writing by and about women in the United States. This tradition is of two-fold origin, as is evident from Mary Rowlandson's generative captivity narrative, which puts a woman at the center of the story of nation-building. The other tradition is represented by Susanna Rowson's hugely popular seduction novel, _Charlotte Temple_, which leads us to consider compatible genres, such as the domestic and the sentimental novel. Further variations include the (female) slave narrative and the emergence of the realist novel. The texts analyzed in the course each propose to engage the foregoing dynamics which places women in a tenuous position as regards the nation, while also highlighting the changing status of their authors within the national literary canon.

Razina studija: preddiplomski
ISVU šifra kolegija: 52247
Broj ECTS bodova: 6
Semestar: zimski