This course centers on some crucial aspects of US postmodernism, such as a transforming relationship between "popular" and "high" culture, inquiries into the exchanges between historiography and fiction, and questions of availability of critical positions in the "late-capitalist" society. The course will focus on selected US postmodern novels, their interpretations, and their interactions with various forms of popular culture (textual, visual, musical), commonly understood either as sites of authentic expression of "the people," or as fundamentally inauthentic products of an alienating culture industry. The discussion will include issues of: the distinction between mass and popular culture, consumerism, culture industry and cultural amnesia, simulacra, culture as a question of identity, globalization and Americanization.
Razina studija: preddiplomski
ISVU šifra kolegija: 52251
Broj ECTS bodova: 6
Semestar: zimski